Thursday 24 September 2009

Creative Review Question of the Week 22.09.09

For this week's question, CR want to know about where we work.

Just how important is location, location, location in the creative industry?

They're devoting the whole of the November issue of CR to looking at the creative workplace and welcome thoughts and opinions on life in the studio or agency...

With so much daily communication carried out online, does it matter where you actually work these days?

Is having a building in the creative hub of your town or city important? Or is it still vital to be situated within the "creative quarter"? If you're based in one, where exactly is it? What makes for the ideal studio or agency location?

What about the building you're in? Do you favour the clinical white cube, or a more chaotic, personalised space? Do you surround yourself with inspiration, or cut yourself off from distractions?

What is the creative quarter like in your town or city and do you feel it's necessary to be surrounded by other creative people, or work in splendid isolation.

They have set up a flickr group to view photos and the most interesting will feature in the November issue.

We'd best get something together..could be a great publicity opportunity!!

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