Monday 27 June 2011

Spotlight: Morag Myerscough

Morag Myerscough of Studio Myerscough and Supergroup London is known for her bold and vivacious take on graphic design is currently making quite a stir within the areas of interior graphics and exhibition curation. Some of her most recent successes include Westminster Academy, nominated for the RIBA Stirling Prize, Vintage at Goodwood, The Deptford Project and The Design Museum.

In recent times, she has worked closely with London College of Communication curating final exhibitions such as 'Power of Ten', which was shortlisted for a Brit Insurance Award and this years installment: 'Round About'.

Her great sense of strong colour and striking use of typography really works together, creating an incredible 'experience' that wows and engages the audience at every chance. I find her work exciting, especially the way-finding systems, which can excite you at every turn of a corner, whilst being clear and easy to navigate.

Myerscough's graphic interior or 'building narrative' as she calls it, for Westminster Academy has reached strong acclaim, transforming a previously dull industrial-feeling institution into a building for inspiration that students can look forward to entering.

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