Monday 9 May 2011

PopShot Magazine

Popshot is a bi-annual small art publication "intent on hoodwinking poetry back from the clammy hands of tweed jackets and school anthologies". Popshot looks to celebrate the poetry of today and tomorrow with the whimsical arms of illustration wrapped tightly round it. 

"We are of the thought that the future of poetry is even more exciting than the past."

Started on a shoestring budget from the kitchen of an Oxford flat, and despite featuring unknown contributors, no adverts or sponsors within only four issues Popshot became the first UK poetry magazine ever to gain worldwide distribution. 

"I think it came from a deep-rooted love of children’s books", says founder and editor Jacob Denno. "We learn how to appreciate rhythm and meter as children with the plethora of nonsense poetry and hand-me-down children’s rhymes. I’ve always been a massive fan of rhyme but there’s very few people that can pull it off eloquently."

"Do not read this if you need the toilet," advises the 22-year-old editor, Jacob Denno. "Poetry is an art form that needs complete attention."

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