Wednesday 9 December 2009

Pantone has announced 15-5519 Turquoise as its colour of the year for 2010.

Mimosa is, like, so this year. In 2010, Pantone tell us, turquoise is going to be everywhere...

Pantone’s vice-president of strategic business development Helmut Eifert says, ‘Turquoise occupies a very special position in the world of colour. It is believed to be a protective talisman, a colour of deep compassion and healing, and a colour of faith and truth, inspired by water and sky.

‘Through years of colour word-association studies, we also find that turquoise represents an escape to many – taking them to a tropical fantasy that is pleasant and inviting, even if only a fantasy.’

Hmmm how do we feel about Pantone 15-5519?

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Christmas Review 2009 in progress

It has begun. The Vivid team is searching the Christmas shops for the best, the worst and the rest. All to be compiled into a colourful review of Christmas 2009, planned to be finished in January 2010.

We Won!

Vivid Brand Consultancy GOLD
for Design Effectiveness

Vivid Brand has won the Point-of-Sale Gold Award at the 2009 DBA Design Effectiveness Awards for their work within the lighting category for Philips Consumer Lighting.

Vivid Brand recognized that the growing concerns over climate change presented an unique opportunity for Philips to establish itself as the leader in Energy Saving Lightbulbs.

Creating project 'Make the Switch', Vivid Brand produced an in-store communications plan for major DIY, Hypermarkets and Supermarkets across Europe, presenting shoppers with the benefits of different energy saving bulbs and clear choices to ‘trade across’ to higher value products. This compelling, communications-led strategy turned lightbulb purchasing into a rewarding experience and resulted in Philips total sales performing twice as well as the rest of the market, reaching its highest market share in Italy and France and reversing all distribution fears.

Gideon Karmiloff, Managing Director of Vivid Brand says: “Success was created on many levels; genuinely working in partnership with the client on a strategic level, with their customers (Retailers) across Europe to ensure successful implementation and crucially by planning and creating an in-store communications strategy around shopper insights that influenced shoppers at their moment of decision.”

Hein Van Gorp, Vice President and General Manager of Philips Consumer Lights says: “Make the Switch' has driven such important increases in sales and brand share that it is now one of four key growth engines in Philips' future strategy”

Andy Scott Chairman of Vivid Brand says
The shopper at the heart of design solutions is what Vivid Brand is all about. In-store design has worked twice as hard in this instance, firstly by simplifying a difficult category for shoppers wishing to buy the right energy saving light bulb for their home and secondly, by creating a category story that European retailers want to buy into, thus increasing customer trade-up and therefore their bottom line.”

For further information please contact Gideon Karmiloff, Managing Director: