Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Robert Montgomery

On his website, Montgomery describes his work-style as 'poetic and melancholic post-situationist'. This is a fitting statement; the choice of words in his creations evoke emotion and make you question the reasoning behind each piece, perhaps wishing to discover a harrowing tale or sincere personal account.

His bold use of typography and a type of dialogue he describes as 'part poetry, part enquiry', photographed beautifully in a series of intriguing locations, produces some truly incredible imagery.

He has been known to take-over advertising space, using the platform often used to sell pointless and unnecessary products to publicize his views on them, encouraging the audience to also question what is really important.

The above images are from his collection known as 'Recycled Sunlight' - where he has created signs using solar-technology, where it charges throughout the day and is recycled at night.

Although all of his typographic pieces are beautiful, it is his bold neon-based signs that I am drawn to the most:

Personally, there is something reminiscent of American Ed Ruscha, who is another personal favorite.

Ed Ruscha

Ed Ruscha

Ed Ruscha